Thursday, June 22, 2017

Watch | Trillanes Supalpal at pinahiya ng BBC host na si Stephen Lackur

“You are bashing your head against a brick wall”
This is what BBC’s HARDtalk host Stephen Sackur thinks senator Antonio Trillanes IV did when he to stood up against President Rodrigo Duterte who considered as a popular president despite of his admissions that he really wanted to kill criminals and the alleged human rights abuses that accused by his critics against him.
Senator Trillanes faced a literal hard talk from the BBC Host and he wondered why the comments of senator Antonio Trillanes was ‘out of tune’ to the comments of the most Filipino people.
“Its not easy for me to judge but looking at the comments made by the members of the public in Manila to news agencies they saying things like: The streets are safer now, here in the Philippines we needed a ruler with an iron fist.. These are quotes from the general public, that seems to be the mood, the ratings for Duterte still remain high 75% approval rating. I’m just wondering whether your comment which are constantly negative are out of tune with ordinary Filipino opinion.” Stephen Sackur asked Trillanes.
Trillanes said that the rating that Sackur mentioned was the approval rating of President Duterte way back in March, but he explained that it would continue to go down,”
But Sackur interrupted Trillanes and he said that 75% approval was considered in the western politics is a big achievement for a western politician.
“Believe me senator, if a western politician receives a 75% approval rating they will regard that as the happiest day of their life” Sackur told Trillanes.
After that senator Trillanes only smiled on what Sackur told to him.
Sackur also wondered why the people of the Philippines voted for President Duterte despite of his admission that he really wants to kill criminals and discussing about his alleged death squads during the campaign period.
“In May 2015, he [Duterte] said, am I the deathsquad? It’s true, that is true. So again he put his own record in front of the Filipino public even to the point of discussing his association with death squads and the Filipino public decided that this was the man to clean up your country” Stephen Sackur told Trillanes.
“So in political terms, it seems to be your bashing your head against a brick wall,” the BBC host added.
Senator Trillanes responded and he said that he would not give up in his fight against President Duterte. He also said that ‘it will take time’ to convince the public to stood up against the Filipino President and he believed that Duterte’s rating would continue to go down.
“I’m quite confident towards the end of the year, his numbers will be way below 50,” Trillanes said.
After that, Sackur looked at the track record of Trillanes and it seems that the BBC Host giggled before he narrated the past of the senator.
“You twice tried to mount a coup against an elected Filipino president and in that case that is Mrs. Arroyo back in 2003 you have an aborted coup attempt which lasted, well let’s face it only a day,” The BBC host told Trillanes
“You made another attempt to Gloria Arroyo in 2007 and you ended up in prison for seven years, do you think a coup is a legitimate responsive gain to the Philippines current political situation,” Sackur asked Trillanes.
Trillanes responded and he said that they do not need a coup attempt to resolve a ‘problem like duterte’
During the last part of the interview, Stephen Lackur wondered why Trillanes criticized President Duterte while the normal Filipino people believed that the current leader of the Philippines was doing a ‘decent job’
“As a final point, for all the fears of what Duterte means for the Philippines, right now viewed by made by many ordinary Filipinos this guy is doing a decent job,” Sackur told Trillanes.
But Trillanes said that the Filipino would change their views to President Duterte. He said that ‘it may take a little while but it does happen.


