Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Locsin: We Have A Thinking President, Let’s Take Advantage - Must Read This!

ANC News Anchor Teddy Locsin Jr. was all praised for President Rodrigo Duterte in his first ever State of the Nation Address (SONA), Locsin sees that Duterte is tired but will do what he can for real change, or die trying. 

Locsin also compares understanding Duterte to reading a complex book, a complex book will have an effect on you long term while reading a simple book will give you shallow and temporary satisfaction.

“If you read simple book, It will bring you immediate pleasure but only a passing and shallow understanding of our complex world” Locsin said. 

“I’m saying this because we now have a president who will influence what we reads, and therefor what we think.” he added. 

Seasoned Politician
Locsin also said that Duterte might be mistaken for superficiality and simple mindedness, but he is the furthest from that.
“He has lived through the hardest times of our country, he has heard the tattered banners of opposing camps, beating the hurricane winds or our politics and conflicts” he said. 

“He speaks little but speaks volumes, he has isolated surprisingly complicated words, shouts of the suffering of out people and speaks faintly of the hopes they are giving up” he added. 

Thinking President
Locsin praised Duterte for having the best suggestions to tackle the root problem in our country.

“We have a thinking president, let us make the effort to think as hard as he does” Locsin challenged his audiences “make no mistake, whether he has read the situation rightly or wrongly, he will proceed twat, on the conclusions he has arrived at with much hard thought and deep reflection”. 
“So he will not stop, unless we give him a compelling reason to stop, and also a better way to seek to good ends he seeks” Locsin added.

Old, Resolve
He also sees that Duterte is old and tired but the resolve in him is still shining bright. 

“He is old, I sense he is tired, but he is resolve, and while there is breathe in him, not just to talk change like past presidents but make change, and die trying”. Locsin said 

“If we do not take advantage of this man’s leadership, we shall miss our last change of real change” are Locsin’s parting words . 

 Watch the video below:

Source: trendtitan.com

